Monday, February 26, 2007

How Do You Break the Cycle of Addiction?

Last week in Huntersville, I heard a former client (I'll call him James) give his testimony for the first time. As a child growing up, his dad owned a bar. He grew up in Charleston, SC in an alcoholic household. That was the only life he knew.

As an adult, his addiction caused him to lose his job, his wife & children and his home.

James spoke of how he entered our Rebound men's program about a year ago and completed it. Now he is employed at Charlotte Rescue Mission and living a clean and sober life. Last week, he visited his brother whom he hasnt spoken with in over 3 years. His brother said he was a changed person. He told us how proud he was that his daughter was graduating high school and on the honor roll.

Colin Branch, who recently visited the mission for a tour, said that one of the more profound things we were doing here was stopping the generational cycle of addiction. I couldnt agree more and neither could James. It was truly a blessing to hear his story.

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