Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Client Returns to His Family

Recently, a client told me he was about to receive his certificate for completing our program. He had gone through its rigor, facing the issues that drove him to the streets.

The other good news in this story is that his family had seen the changes in his life. They decided to invite him home to stay with them. He grabbed my hand (almost twice as large as mine) and almost crushed it. He thanked me for giving him his life back. When I mentioned the next chapter in his life, he was already prepared. He had a support system in place, ready to keep him on the “straight and narrow”. Just as important, there was more than hope in his eyes. There was a sense of confidence, that his life had taken a dramatic turn. He would never return to the life he recently left.

When people ask me what keeps me going, it’s the look of change that comes across a client’s face. It is knowing that their past does not have to determine their future. You are an integral part in making the miracle of that change possible.

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