Thursday, October 23, 2008

What Happens to Clients After CRM?

We're often asked about our clients and what happens to them after they complete the program. Our supporters are thrilled to learn that after a year, over 70% are still living a clean and sober life. But the statistics can't reflect the stories we see every day behind the scenes - the ones that aren't necessarily publicized.

Just the other day, a former client stopped by the mission (this happens regularly). Graduating from Rebound in the late 90s, he is now a successful businessman with his masters degree. In fact, he is currently working on his Ph. D.

It's not every day that a former client walks in but it does happen and we're always excited to learn about the success they have gone on to achieve.


dave said...

around here, that is called a "Praise the Lord" thing

Unknown said...
